We are a volunteer, non-profit group.
The purpose of Preserving Lake Greenwood is:
to foster and promote an adequate and safe supply of water for consumption and for recreational use by the general public.
to work in cooperation with officials at all levels of government, industry, private citizens and advocacy organizations to maintain a safe supply of water that meets the needs of the general public, the business community, and the municipalities and counties that rely on it.
to advocate for adequate funding resources by local, state, and federal governments to protect and advance the quality of water in Lake Greenwood including, but not limited to, the development and safety of water treatment facilities, and to prevent the depositing of pollutants and sediment into Lake Greenwood from all sources.
Our organizational goals are:
to maintain and improve the quality of Lake Greenwood's water,
to prevent the depositing of sediment onto the bed of Lake Greenwood,
to educate and enhance public and policy makers' understanding of conservation issues, and
to define and communicate Lake Greenwood's needs to legislatures, decision makers, and the general public