Current Status of Lake Greenwood
More information coming soon.
State of the Lake - September 26, 2019
Click titles to download presentations
Keynote Speaker, Geoff Scott, Ph.D., Chair & Clinical Professor. Department: Environmental Health Sciences, University of SC, presented current aquatic concerns due to urbanization and global warming - from coastal shores to fresh water lakes, concerns specific to Lake Waterre, and a comparison of Lake Greenwood and Lake Wateree. [Note: Due to file size limits on our website, this presentation has been shortened to focus in on fresh water lake concerns.]
Mr. Frank Holleman, President, Naturaland Trust, presented “Protecting the Waters that Flow into Lake Greenwood”
Rob Russian, Greenwood County Engineer, presented an update on recent and upcoming projects for Lake Greenwood.
Attached is the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation for the Lake Impact Area Ordinance approved by Greenwood County Council in July 2019.
Whether you are fishing to enjoy the outdoors, spend time with family, or catch dinner, you should always be safe about the fish you eat. The South Carolina Fish Consumption Advisories tell you where you should limit the amount of fish you eat and where it is safe to eat as much fish as you like. The SC 2018 303D reports Lake Greenwood is one of only 3 lakes in SC where there is no fish consumption advisory!
Julie Davis presents non point source pollutants that are of current concern for Lake Greenwood.
Check the real-time water level of Lake Greenwood reported by the USGS Water Resources of the South Atlantic Water Science Center. This USGS monitoring station is funded in cooperation with the County of Greenwood, SC, and managed by the South Atlantic WSC Columbia Field Office.
While Lake Greenwood was recently removed from SC's List of Impaired bodies of water for reducing and meeting phosphorus requirements, soluble nitrogen levels are increasing and we all need to do our part to help with this concern. Read more about Nitrogen and Water.
Since 2003, Upstate Forever has been dedicated to improving the health of the Saluda-Reedy Watershed, which culminates in Lake Greenwood. During the last ten years, Upstate Forever has worked to implement strategic actions that were identified after five years of research on the watershed to reduce the main threats to the watershed – sediment, nutrients, and bacteria. Recently, we’ve seen the rewards of our hard work as water quality in the Lake has improved.
View the surface-water quantity models for each of the eight major watersheds, or basins, in South Carolina, developed by SCDNR and SCDHEC.