Our History
PLG is a grassroots operation made up of people like you who are interested in what is happening on and in our lake. PLG organized after several public meetings were held in 2009 and we realized there were several regular attendees. With the help of Upstate Forever, we gathered to discuss various issues, especially water quality. We then officially organized as Preserving Lake Greenwood and became a registered SC non-profit organization.
We have enjoyed the continued support of Upstate Forever, Greenwood Lake Management, Greenwood's CPW, LCWSC, State and County Representatives, and many local residents from Greenwood, Laurens, and Newberry Counties.
Our Vision
The vision of Preserving Lake Greenwood is to make Lake Greenwood a desirable place to live, taking pride in Lake Greenwood to make it a healthier and more beautiful lake, informing residents and users about Lake Greenwood to make it more enjoyable, and educating residents on how to prevent pollutants and the spread of invasive weeds and animals.